We are very happy to announce that Blacktalon’s 8th season will be online in
April 5th, 2024 - 6 PM UTC.
Some info about donation on seasonal server:
- The points drop system will stay the same as in the previous season. Each drop being the 10% of the total value donated (with a minimum and maximum) such as the following table:
Time | Blacktalon Points | Seasonal Points |
3 Hours | Min: 1000 Max: 2500 | 500 |
3 Days | Min: 1000 Max: 2500 | 1000 |
6 Days | Min: 1000 Max: 2500 | 1000 |
9 Days | Min: 1500 Max: 4000 | 1500 |
12 Days | Min: 1500 Max: 4000 | 1500 |
15 Days | Min: 1500 Max: 4000 | 1500 |
18 Days | Min: 2000 Max: 5000 | 1500 |
21 Days | Min: 2000 Max: 5000 | 2000 |
24 Days | Min: 2000 Max: 5000 | 2000 |
27 Days | Min: 3000 Max: 8000 | 3000 |
30 Days | All of the remaining points | 3000 |

Rune Modifiers
After lots of requests, we have decided to add some improvement to the Arena Spells (support spell obtained at level 200 quest). Using a new slot of equipment, you can equip ‘Rune Modifiers’ which can vary in rarity (silver, golden and platinum). They will change some functionalities of the spells.
You can obtain them by using a blank rune (they come with a rarity) which can obtained through Daily Bosses, Legendary Monsters and Roulette (only silver)
Cooldown: reduced cooldown of arena spells
Silver: 10% ~ 18%;
Golden: 15% ~ 22%;
Platinum: 23% ~ 30%
Speed: speed burst after using the arena spell for 8 seconds
Silver: Speed +100 to +200
Golden: Speed +200 to +300
Platinum: Speed +300 to +400
Mage (Translocation):
Mindbreaker: Does not change places, the target receives more damage from the mage for 8 seconds
Silver: +10% ~ +17%
Golden: +17% ~ +24%
Platinum: +24% ~ +31%
Ignite: After changing places, ignite near enemies, increasing damage taken from the mage for 8 seconds
Silver: +7% ~ +12% damage received
Golden: +12% ~ +17% damage received
Platinum: +17% ~ +22% damage received
Druid (Nature Liquor):
Ent's Blessing: Does not apply CCs, instead affects the druid and nearby allies giving them increased healing effects for 8 seconds
Silver: +10% ~ +15% healing received
Golden: +15% ~ +20% healing received
Platinum: +20% ~ +25% healing received
Beast's Fury: Does not apply CCs, instead the creatures will receive more damage from the druid for 8 seconds
Silver: +7% ~ 12% damage received
Golden: +12% ~ 17% damage received
Platinum: +17% ~ 22% damage received
Warrior (Impelling Force):
Enchained: Targets hit by ‘Impelling Force’ are enchained, not allowed to move for a certain duration
Silver: 0.5s ~ 1.0s
Golden: 1.0s ~ 1.5s
Platinum: 1.5s ~ 2.0s
Debilitating Chains: Targets hit by ‘Impelling Force’ are debilitated, dealing less damage for 8 seconds
Silver: -10% ~ -15%
Golden: -15% ~ -20%
Platinum: -20% ~ -25%
Thief (Stealth):
Prolonged Stealth: Increase stealth duration (base is 1.5 seconds)
Silver: +0.5s ~ 1.0s
Golden: +1.0s ~ 1.5s
Platinum: +1.5s ~ 2.0s
Smoke Bomb: throws a bomb, debuffing enemies so they take more damage from the thief for 8 seconds
Silver: +7% ~ +12% damage received
Golden: +12% ~ +17% damage received
Platinum: +17% ~ +22% damage received
Bowman (Decoy Dummy):
Archery Tower: The dummy does not pull aggro anymore, instead it debuffs nearby enemies, increasing damage taken from the bowman for 8 seconds
Silver: +7% ~ 12% damage received
Golden: +12% ~ 17% damage received
Platinum: +17% ~ 22% damage received
Reinforced Dummy: The dummy has increased health
Silver: +50%~+100% health
Golden: +100%~+150% health
Platinum: +150%~+250% health
Bard (Lullaby):
Dreadful Melody: Does apply sleep anymore, instead debuff enemies around, increasing their damage received from all sources for 8 seconds
Silver: +4%~8%
Golden: +8%~12%
Platinum: +12%~16%
Rest in Peace: Increase sleep duration (base is 2 seconds)
Silver: +0.5s~1.0s
Golden: +1.0s~1.5s
Platinum: +1.5s~2.0s

Proficiency Level QoL
We’ve heard your complaints about the proficiency system, so we have decided to add some very deserved changes:
- It’s now possible to unlock a level cap even if you haven’t reached it.
- If you gain experience in a slot that already has reached the cap, a new slot will automatically be selected to gain experience.
- If you gain experience without having any slot with level cap available, the experience will be saved into a bank which will be used when you unlock a new level cap or it will be used in the event of deaths (you first will lose experience in the bank before losing from the slots)

Attributes Reroll
For the new season, we added a new equipment rolling item, the Single Attribute Reroll. This item allows you to pick an undesirable attribute in your equipment and re-roll it, while also changing its numerical value. These will be obtainable from daily bosses, continent bosses, raid bosses, fishing bosses and roulette.

Tower Arena
Better late than never, a change that many players have asked for throughout the seasons: we have finally added the option to force spawn waves, available only as a premium account feature.
Use this wisely, as it can either help or harm you.

King of the Hill changes
We decided to make some changes to the event to make it more competitive and also rewarding
KOTH has been removed from the Event Schedule rotation and will now be run twice a day, at fixed times 11:00 and 23:00 UTC time
The winning guild, in addition to gaining the exp, elite and orb bonus, will also gain a random boost similar to the worldboost scroll.
We also did some changes for the KOTH mechanics:
Winning Condition
The event will now have a maximum duration of 50 minutes. The conditions to win the event will be one of the following:
- A single player securing the throne for 5 minutes uninterrupted
- After time ends, the guild that spends the most time at the throne will win
Core Crystal
Every 90 seconds a ‘Core Crystal’ will spawn in a random location in the map and will last for 30 seconds. The guild that deals more damage during that time will receive a 35% bonus damage dealt and protection for 60 seconds. The crystal can be spawned in one of two marked areas in the image below:

Hunting Grounds & Dungeon Changes
Changed how experience is shared in a party inside dungeons. You will gain the same amount of experience whether doing it solo or in any party size
Increased experience gained in icescar and wasteland dungeons:
Skullfrost: Experience +17%
Nightdweller: Experience +41%
Zathroth Guardian: Experience +84%
Shaper: Experience +145%
Werecrocodile: Experience +174%
Changed the proficiency level required to enter the ‘Shapers’ dungeon from 600 to 700
Hunting Grounds:
Removed gold and rarity token entry cost
Changed the proficiency level required to enter ‘Rhindeer’ and ‘Haunted Skeleton’ hunting grounds from 600 and 600 to 700 and 900, respectively
Balance changes:
Naga Warrior:
Rage Squid:
Tundra Guardian:
Haunted Skeleton:

Values changes on seasonal server
Quest Chest and Boss:
Collected Nodes:
Master of None:
grade 3: 10000 ⇒ 5000
grade 4: 25000 ⇒ 10000
grade 5: 60000 ⇒ 20000
Hunting Ground:

Relic Changes
Attack speed:
Witch Hat: 7% ⇒ 3%
Bunnyslippers: 10% ⇒ 5%
Anduril: 30% ⇒ 15%
Claw of the Noxious Spawn: 15% ⇒ 7%
Trashed Draken Boots: 25% ⇒ 12%
Cluster of Solace: 20% ⇒ 10%
Crawler’s Essence: 30% ⇒ 15%
Brainstealer Brain: 15% ⇒ 8%
Swan Feather: 35% ⇒ 17%
Isfaril Hood: 25% ⇒ 15%
Silver and a Golden Hand: 35% ⇒ 17%

Class Changes

Client Changes
Relic preset changes:

Boss Cooldown panel:
Added a new category: Raid bosses (by pressing the map icon located next to the boss's name, a circle will appear on your minimap indicating where the boss's entrance is)
Added the “Display” button that hides the creature's sprite

Preset loadout panel:

Minimap changes:
Now you can add an icon by pressing ctrl+right mouse button through game window (button “Create Map Mark”)
Added 3 new minimap icons (stone, tree and flower)

Container Search:
Backpack, purse and depot now have a search function. Click on the search icon, indicated by the letter "S" to reveal the text field. Type in what you wish to search (not case sensitive, can be incomplete entries) and press the "Search" button. All items containing the term you typed will appear.

It is now possible to close module windows using the Escape key

General Changes/Fixes/Additions
Slightly reduced the drop of upgrader crystals from strange creatures
Fixed the quest reward (outfit) on mutated human spawn
Retching Horror annihilator: reduced minimum players from 2 to 1.
Beholder amulet and ring now can be smelted
Now you can destroy items that are "untradeable" (ctrl + mouse right button)
Changed the task reward between bison and echo of chagorz
Continent bosses: Now dying inside the boss arena will teleport you to the closest waypoint instead
Fixed an issue where the chaos mobs weren’t gaining the proper amount of bonus damage
Story Line NPC dialogue is no longer bound to your chat. You can now pick and choose options to advance NPC actions and/or dialogue through its own window.
Changed the name of giant hammer to pickaxe
Added Pickaxe to level 25 reward
Removed Tower Ticket from dungeon shop (reversed)
Changed the upgrade crystal tiers from present boxes of:
Icescar: t4 ⇒ t5
Wasteland: t5 ⇒ t6
Yalahari Outfit Quest:
Yalahari door access no longer required you to pull a lever after placing the needed fiery hearts onto the basins. Now just by placing the required fiery hearts in the basins will grant you access. (note: only works in normal instance)
Enraged Azerus spawning time: 5m ⇒ 3m
Time to redo the quest after the boss dies: 10m ⇒ 5m
Map Changes:
Added more creatures to some mainland hunting areas
Moved Mainland quests teleport entrance from Creatures area to the temple
Moved the hall of fame teleport to Mainland’s temple north exit